Abdul Aziz is a PhD candidate at School of Communication and affiliated with Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) of Queensland University of Technology (QUT). His research interests span from understanding digital and social media to digital (in)equalities and non-media centric approach to digital cultures and practices in everyday life. In particular, his current research focuses on digital migration and diaspora studies in relation to transnational identity and integration.
- Researching diaspora in the digital age: new directions towards a transnational approach

I am currently pursuing my Ph.D in Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. As shown in my CV, my portfolio is related to market research, marketing, sales & international client relationship. Currently, I have been working as a Teaching Assistant in Swinburne University across Marketing and Information technology units. Apart from teaching, delivering tutorials and assessment activities, I have also published papers in journal articles and proceeding conferences.
- Myths & Realities of Consumer Decision Making Power
Alistair works as Manager, Data Science at the Social Research Centre
- Deep learning using Julia
- Continuous Integration and Delivery pipelines for data processing
- Challenges of adopting open source software for survey research in practice
Ancy Sara Philip is a PhD student (Economics) from Curtin University (Offshore).
- A slide or a shift? The transition of methods in a Mixed Methods study
Dr Anita D’Aprano is a consultant paediatrician and a senior research fellow, in Indigenous child health, in the Department of Paediatrics. Dr D’Aprano undertook her PhD studies in the Northern Territory exploring developmental monitoring practices in Aboriginal populations, work which led to the creation of the ASQ-TRAK developmental screening tool – the first culturally appropriate tool for use with Australian Aboriginal children.
Since completing her PhD, Anita has continued to lead ethical Indigenous child health research, principally in the development of culturally appropriate and validated measures. She has a particular interest and commitment to optimising translational outcomes and in engaging Aboriginal communities. Dr D’Aprano’s current research program is focused on implementation of the ASQ-TRAK and developing a culturally appropriate early childhood outcome measure for Australian Aboriginal children, the ASQ: EXTENDED TRAK. Her career vision is to continue to provide leadership in the design, implementation and translation of research with Aboriginal communities that makes a significant difference to the well-being of Aboriginal children and families.
- Implementation of the ASQ-TRAK: protocol for a mixed methods evaluation

Dr Ann Dadich is an Associate Professor within the Western Sydney University School of Business. She is also a registered psychologist, a full member of the Australian Psychological Society, and a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales. A/Prof. Dadich has accumulated considerable expertise in health service management, notably knowledge translation. This encompasses scholarship on the processes through which different knowledges coalesce to promote quality care. This is demonstrated by her publishing record, which includes over 165 refereed publications; the research grants she has secured; and the awards she has received. A/Prof. Dadich holds editorial appointments with several academic journals, including: the Australian Health Review; and BMC Health Services Research. She is also the Deputy Director of the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform; she chairs the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Health Management and Organisation (HMO) Conference Stream; and she convenes the ANZAM HMO Special Interest Group. Additionally, A/Prof. Dadich supervises doctoral candidates and teaches undergraduate units on change management, innovation, creativity, and organisational behaviour.
- Positive organisational arts-based youth scholarship
- The HIVE: A co-created art installation about health
- What could possibly go wrong? The dark sides of knowledge translation and how to lighten them

Anna is a Qualified Practising Researcher (QPR) with over 20 years’ experience in social research. Working as a Research Director in the Quantitative Research Team, Anna has been responsible for driving innovation in the Social Research Centre’s approach to Address-Based Sampling (A-BS) push-to-web studies. Anna has been instrumental in refining the methodology in response to increasing rates of non-response to telephone surveys. She will share some of her key learnings in this presentation.
- Address-based sampling as an alternative to general population telephone surveys
Data scientist at Social Research Centre.
- Reproducible survey research

Ben Phillips is a survey researcher and methodologist with 18 years of experience in academic and private sector positions working with government and non-profit clients. He is Chief Survey Methodologist at the Social Research Centre, where he applies best practices and develop new methods to reduce survey errors and costs. Prior to joining the Social Research Centre, he was a Senior Associate/Scientist at Abt Associates, Cambridge, MA, USA and previously worked for Abt SRBI and Brandeis University, both in the U.S.
- The state of telephone surveys in 2020
- Telephone coverage of the Australian population

Dr Birut Zemits has extensive experience lecturing in subjects related to language, art, film, academic writing and cultural issues and supervising candidates in Visual Arts and Education. Birut completed a PhD titled Ethno-eco dialogue: Filmmaking for sustainability, which provided an opportunity to bring together interests in creative practice, sociolinguistics and environmental education. Within the research process she completed a number of film projects which included extensive surveys and interviews. Her passion is for research as well as supporting the learning process at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She currently works as Assistant Dean Research in the College of Education at Charles Darwin University.
- Non-traditional Research Methods in the Arts: Building Social Engagement
Dr Forrest has worked at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) since 2016. He is a Data Analyst in the National Surveys branch, where he primarily works on the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY).
- Soft skills in young Australians: Development and preliminary validation of a brief self-report measure

Chloe Watfern is a Scientia PhD scholar at UNSW Art & Design and The Black Dog Institute. With an academic background in art history and psychology, her interdisciplinary research spans the social sciences and the arts. Her PhD dissertation is exploring neurodiversity and art in supported studio organisations.
Chloe also works as a research associate for the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform.
- The HIVE: A co-created art installation about health

Danny Smith is a Senior Data Scientist at the Social Research Centre. Danny has worked as a survey programmer, analyst and data scientist for 10 years.
His main interest and expertise is in research systems architecture, building systems that support automation of data workflows and processes and associated tools. He is an avid R user and supporter of free and open source software.
- Survey research datasets and R
- Thinking like a programmer: open approaches to quantitative research
Darren has worked in social research and survey methodology since 1984 and is the Founder and past CEO of the Social Research Centre, 2000-2019. From 2010 to 2015 Darren played a leading role in the introduction of dual-frame telephone surveys to Australia and he was also the driving force behind the establishment of Australia's first probability-based online panel – Life in Australia™ in 2016. Darren is a Research Society Fellow. In 2014 he was awarded the Research Industry Council of Australia’s Research Effectiveness Award for Innovation and Methodology. In 2019 Darren was awarded the inaugural AMSRO Jayne Van Souwe Research Industry Leadership Award.
- The state of telephone surveys in 2020
- Telephone coverage of the Australian population

Prof David Silverman is Professor Emeritus in the Sociology Department at Goldsmiths College, London, Visiting Professor in the Management Department at King's College, University of London and the Business School, University of Technology, Sydney as well as Adjunct Professor at QUT, Faculty of Education. He has authored 15 books and 45 journal articles on qualitative research, ethnography and conversation analysis. He has supervised over 30 successful PhD students, three of whom are now full Professors.
- Rethinking the justifications for Qualitative Research

David is an experienced data analytics consultant. He works with clients to develop appropriate data management frameworks, security and availability, all with the view to help his clients have assurance that their data is effectively controlled and presenting results with integrity.
- Data visualisation using Stata - beyond the scatter plot and bar graph
- SDAS Virtual Booth - Learn More about Stata
- SDAS Virtual Booth - Learn More about Stata
- SDAS Virtual Booth - Learn More about Stata
Dina is a professional statistician with over 20 years of experience and a track record of achievement in leadership and technical roles at the Social Research Centre, Monash University, Australian Bureau of Statistics, and Biostatistics and Clinical Trials Centre at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Dina’s statistical interests include the use of calibration and blending methods to improve accuracy of the non-probability samples, establishment and maintenance of the first Australian Online Probability panel and complex business survey design and weighting. Throughout her career she has worked through every stage of statistical data collection including design, system development, contact with respondents, data editing, estimation and output, in a wide variety of domains including demographic, labour, business and price index statistics. Dina’s educational background includes 1st Class Honours degree in Statistics and PhD in Business Systems from
Monash University with an emphasis in applied Operations Research and Process Engineering. Dina is Accredited Statistician (AStat) member of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) and is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR).
- Telephone coverage of the Australian population
- Optimal sample designs for sub-national general population telephone surveys

Dr Allison Creed is an experienced tertiary sector learning and development specialist, university lecturer and research fellow, an organisational coach focused on career and wellbeing, a well-travelled international speaker and workshop presenter, and a published author in respected scientific journals and books. Her latest publication is in the British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Metaphor analysis in vocational counselling: Moving from intuitive to reliable metaphor identification, https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2020.1763915
- Metaphor identification as a methodological tool in social science research.
Dr Claire Bartlett
- Implementation of the ASQ-TRAK: protocol for a mixed methods evaluation

Dr Michael de Percy FCILT is Senior Lecturer in Political Science in the Canberra School of Politics, Economics, and Society at the University of Canberra. He is a graduate of the Australian National University (PhD) and the Royal Military College Duntroon, and he is a Chartered Fellow (FCILT) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Michael maintains a blog on his research, teaching and community engagement activities at www.politicalscience.com.au and you can follow him on twitter @madepercy.
- Using historical institutionalism as a method for qualitative process tracing in comparative politics

Nina Van Dyke
- Development and creation of an audio vignette for use with school Principals

EJ Milne is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK and a Research Associate at the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. From 2010-2018 she was Vice President of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Visual Sociology (ISA RC57). EJ is a member of the ISA RC57 and International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA); on the editorial board of Visual Methodologies and Youth and Globalization; and is lead editor of the Handbook of Participatory Video, Altamira Press, which was co-edited by Claudia Mitchell and Naydene de Lange.
EJ's research focuses on social justice, the politics and ethics of research and innovative research methodologies and methods. She works with traditionally excluded groups including young people, and people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to bring about social change. The methods are often chosen by the communities involved and include participatory and community based research; visual and arts based methods including storytelling (digital storytelling, picture books); photography (photovoice, photo elicitation, visual focus groups, photo diaries); film (participatory video, video diaries, documentary); drawing and mapping; and audial-methods (soundscapes, music, audio diaries).
- Participatory Visual Methods in Applied Research and Evaluation: Co-creating an Australian network
Erica Smith is Professor of Vocational Education and Training (VET) at Federation University. She has managed a large number of national research projects, including four grants funded by the Australian Research Council, and also international research projects. Her research interests span apprenticeships, VET policy and curriculum, training in industry, the school to work transition, and adult learning. She is convenor of the research group Researching in Adult and Vocational Education at Federation.
- Researching about a pandemic during a pandemic
Phd Candidate and Research Fellow at the Institute of Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA), University of Canberra.
- Multiple path dependences in policy trajectories: a conceptual framework
Data Scientist at the Social Research Centre
- Real-time text analytics using R Shiny

Dr Gavin Melles is Associate Professor of Sustainability and Social Innovation at Swinburne University
- Analysing situated meanings and figured worlds in Conversations about sustainability: bringing critical discourse analsysis (CDA) to NVivo 12

I am a third year PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. My research project focuses on engineering practice of early career engineers in hydropower sector in Bhutan. Before embarking my PhD study, I have worked as an executive electrical engineer for more than 14 years in hydropower sector. I am interested to conduct research in engineering practice, engineering education, sustainability, engineering management.
- Engineering Competencies and Challenges faced by Engineers in Hydropower Sector in Bhutan: A Pilot Study

Bella is a PhD candidate in the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food at Monash University. She is using realist methodology in her research which examines how best to use hands-on cooking workshops to improve participants' nutrition. She hopes the outcomes of her research will better inform decisions about how cooking workshops can be successfully used as a practical tool within public health nutrition initiatives.
- Using case study methods within a realist methodology
- Telephone coverage of the Australian population
Jennifer E. Cheng is a Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Social Sciences at Western Sydney University. She is also a member of the Challenging Racism Project at Western Sydney University. Her research contributions lie in the areas of Islamophobia and anti-Islamophobia, migration multiculturalism, racism and anti-racism, integration and approaches using critical discourse analysis. Her recently funded projects include "Muslim Women’s Participation in the Auburn Giants AFL Team", "Reimagining Muslim Women through Sport", and "CALD Parental Experiences of Children's Extracurricular Activities". She has published on anti-racist and anti-Islamophobic discourses, including her book, entitled Anti-racist Discourse on Muslims in the Australian Parliament, discourses on Australian values, and Muslim women’s experiences of participating in sport.
- Critical Discourse Analysis and Anti-racism: an Analysis of Muslim Women’s Opinions on the Burkini Ban

The Co-presenters are as follows.
Dr. Jennifer Geary
Victoria University and
Director of the
Trident Foundation
Phone: +1 403 678 2918
Mobile: +1 541 224 614
Web Page
Gallery One
Alternative Web Page
Gallery Two
and Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Ph.D.
1100 Schukart Lane
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Cell: +1-503-720-8772
Purdue Email: drusseft@purdue.edu
Personal Email: russeftd9@gmail.com
Staff with the Trident Foundation has over twenty years counselling, mediation, and supports experience. Staff hold the following qualifications:
Master of Psychology
Master of Social Work
Master of Education
Master of Distance Education
Master of Social Policy
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Social Work
The Trident Foundation provides in its research activities interdisciplinary knowledge ranging from the psychological to the legal, to policy.
- The Coronavirus, The Resulting Recession, and Impacts on Maritime Workers. The role of Arts-Based Approaches.

Jennifer Renda has almost ten years of experience in working on longitudinal studies at the Australian Institute of Family Studies. She is currently the manager of survey methodology for Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health and has also previously held this role for Growing Up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. While most of her time is spent on managing the development and administration of instruments for longitudinal studies, she has been involved in developing methodological papers and has also previously published on several topics related to work and family, bullying, and separated families.
- Staying Longitudinal in lockdown: How two large-scale, national panel studies are responding to COVID-19
- Bringing life back into a longitudinal sample: addressing issues with contact and engagement

Jodette has over 20 years’ experience in both the public and non-government sectors. She has extensive knowledge and practical skills in policy development and analysis, advocacy, strategic communications planning, political relations and social media.
Jodette has a Master’s degree in Public Health (Research) from the Australian National University and is currently completing her PhD at the Crawford School, ANU.
- Policy ‘stickiness’ and integration in the healthcare sector - using network methods to explore the influence of the network on policy ‘stickiness’ in the health care sector in Australia

Jodie is a PhD student at the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW. Her research explores the ways that child protection policy uses the concept of trauma to understand and address the impact of colonisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. The research examines current and historical policy documents to understand how trauma is positioned as a problem and what factors led to the emergence of trauma as a problem in child protection policy directed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Prior to her PhD, Jodie spent over 10 years in government and non-government youth and family services – in service delivery, management, and policy roles.
- Using Network Analysis to Explore the Evidence Used in Policy

Dr Johanna Lynch PhD MBBS FRAGP FASPM Grad Cert (Grief and Loss)
Johanna is a GP psychotherapist who was awarded her PhD in 2019 in whole person approaches to distress. This PhD led her to become fascinated by how complex knowledge is integrated across disciplinary boundaries. She founded and directed a transdisciplinary clinic from 2009-2014 and has led a multidisciplinary case consultation group for the Mental Health Professional Network for the last ten years. She teaches medical students about whole person care, and undertakes transdisciplinary research projects into whole person approaches to wellbeing, and has written a book on that topic.
- Transdisciplinary Generalism: naming the epistemology and philosophy of the generalist

After fifteen years in the software industry, including working on the flagship messaging protocol AMQP and its open source implementation OpenAMQ, Jonathan Schultz returned to university to begin a second bachelors degree, this time in Arts, majoring in History and Political Science. He went on to complete a PhD in Political Science in the course of which he conducted over 100 open-ended interviews and juggled over 1000 items in the final bibliography. In the course of this research he experimented with a range of software tools to manage large volumes of research data, and found himself simultaneously inspired by the potential of software for qualitative data analysis and underwhelmed by the available offerings.
After his PhD graduation, he turned to research consulting while working on open source software for qualitative research, some of which is the subject of his presentation at the 2020 ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference. In following his heart, he also traded the big smoke of Melbourne for the forests of the South Coast of Western Australia, and is expecting his first child in November.
- Open Source Software for Qualitative Data Analysis: Introducing BarraQDA
Julie de Jong is a survey methodologist in the International Unit within the Survey Research Center, and holds a Master’s Degree in Survey Methodology from the University of Michigan. She has managed numerous mono-country surveys as well as several large cross-cultural surveys, with a focus on promoting survey research best practices, specifically in countries with limited survey research capacity and infrastructure. She has authored and co-authored numerous invited book chapters and journal articles, has conducted an external quality assessment for a large 3MC survey, and has contributed extensively to the Cross-cultural Survey Guidelines, an online resource for the design and implementation of international, multinational, multiregional, and multicultural surveys. She has also conducted complex analyses and co-authored several publications examining measurement error resulting from both interviewers and the interview setting in cross-national surveys.
- Resources for Survey Research in International and Comparative Contexts

Karen Kellard is the Director of the Qualitative Research Unit at the Social Research Centre (owned by the Australian National University). Karen has worked in social and public policy research and evaluation for over 20 years, both in the UK and here in Australia. Her expertise is in evaluation, qualitative methods, and conducting research on sensitive topics with vulnerable research participants.
- Conducting (qualitative) research during a pandemic – learnings from the field

Kate Sollis is a Research Officer and PhD Candidate at the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods. Her background is in statistics and social policy, with a particular interest in the measurement of wellbeing. She has previously worked as a Research Officer at ARACY (The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics
- How do we measure what matters to people? Findings from a systematic review

Kathryn is a Senior Researcher at yourtown and an Adjunct Research Fellow in the Griffith Criminology Institute. She has a PhD from Griffith University, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Flinders University, and a Masters degree in Applied Social Research Methods from the University of South Australia. Kathryn has worked across the university, government and NGO sectors in workforce profiling, youth, homelessness, and disability and has experience in policy and project development, management, evaluation and implementation. Kathryn’s research contributes to our understanding of strengths based practice, the complex ecological environment of the youth sector and the contribution practitioners, programs and services make to young people’s lives.
- Participatory Visual Methods in Applied Research and Evaluation: Co-creating an Australian network
Kathryn Johns has recently completed her Bachelor of Business (Honours) with First Class Honours, and was awarded the University Medal for her thesis. Her thesis sought to understand age discrimination in employment by exploring the age discrimination experiences of older Australians and the barriers to their employment, considering in particular the role of intersectionality of age with disability status and gender, and differing stakeholder perspectives. Her research employed an interpretive mixed methods research design which used a combination of descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing and automated context analysis using Leximancer.
Kathryn is also an experienced research and administrative support officer who has worked across a number of research projects in a variety of research areas. She currently works for the Centre for Business and Social Innovation (CBSI) in the UTS Business School supporting academics to deliver successful research projects, assisting in all stages of research from application, to analysis, to dissemination. She has a broad understanding of a number of research areas due to her work in the Centre and her earlier undergraduate degrees, which were in neuroscience, linguistics, and sociology and anthropology.
- Using comparative automated content analysis to understand age discrimination in Australia
Dr Kerryn Drysdale is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Research in Health, located within UNSW Arts and Social Sciences. Her disciplinary background is in gender studies, queer theory and cultural studies, with a particular focus on LGBTIQ social scenes, identities and practices. Kerryn's current area of research lies at the intersection of social inquiry and public health, particularly in the experiences and expressions of health and wellbeing among same-sex attracted and sex/gender diverse people, people who use drugs, and people living with or affected by HIV and/or viral hepatitis.
- Podcasts as resources: collaborative research translation concerning gay and bisexual men who use crystal for sex
Kinto is a data scientist at the Social Research Centre. Nowadays he works primarily in R, but has previously worked with Python and Javascript. One could say he came to data science via an unconventional path, having studied physics and philosophy at university, but then again everyone in data science seems to have arrived there in a strange way.
He holds degrees from the University of Melbourne and Monash University, and received numerous awards for academic excellence during his studies, including the Hastie Scholarship and the Peter J. Lloyd Prize in Theoretical Physics.
- projectable – a new approach to tabling in R
Lecturer, PhD student, Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Assistant, International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Ethnographic approach for studying interactions in virtual communities: a case study of Russian-speaking sociological online community

Lee Harrop is a PhD candidate in Visual Arts at the College of Indigenous Futures, Arts and Society, Charles Darwin University, Australia. She has a Master of Fine Arts, First Class Honours, from Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design, New Zealand, on how violence is perpetrated through the structure of language.
- Non-traditional Research Methods in the Arts: Building Social Engagement

Maeve is a final year doctoral student in medical education with a background in public health, psychology and mental health advocacy. Her PhD programme is part of an alliance between the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and Curtin University in Perth, Australia. Her research uses qualitative methods to explore widening access to medical education in both the UK and Australia.
- Meritocratic and Fair? A comparative discourse analysis of widening access policy in the UK and Australia

Mahmoud Alhayek holds a bachelor degree in Engineering since 2003, a master degree in Quality Management since 2007, and currently enrolled in a PhD program in Curtin University since 2015.
- Customizing a Questionnaire Tool for Local Context
- Bringing life back into a longitudinal sample: addressing issues with contact and engagement

Mehdi Riazi is a professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University. His research interests include second language writing (the learning, teaching, and assessing), test validation (especially argument-based approach), research methods (especially mixed methods research), and issues related to (language) teaching and learning. He is the author of The Routledge Encyclopedia of Research Methods (Routledge, 2016) and Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning (Equinox, 2017).
- The interface between sociocognitive theory and mixed methods research in language studies

Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Naomi Berman currently teaches academic writing at the University of Tokyo. As a youth sociologist she has worked with a range of government, academic and non-government organisations researching and evaluating arts health and youth programs. She also spent 12-months evaluating a major project for the BBC in the UK. Naomi’s research interests include quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation methodologies in youth, community arts and health and wellbeing. More recently she has been focusing on university informal learning spaces and currently holds a national grant investigating the role of informal learning spaces in the Japanese university context. She is an Associate Editor of the UNESCO Observatory Multidisciplinary Research in the Arts e-journal.
- Goffman Meets Osmo Pocket: Novel Applications of Digital Ethnography

Pammie Ellem is an experienced Registered Nurse and Specialist Breast Care Nurse who has always been passionate about oncology care / cancer nursing in regional, rural and remote areas. Having grown up in rural QLD, Pammie understands firsthand issues and strengths created by the tyranny of distance experienced by those living in rural and remote areas. Additionally, Pammie has experience in rural family support and telehealth which compliment service delivery to isolated communities of which she is a strong advocate.
Another key interest of Pammie’ s is engaging clinicians in research, enabling fellow clinicians to become involved in research and higher education, not only for their own benefit but for the benefit of the patients in their care. The nursing profession needs more researchers at the bedside.
As Industry Liaison Educator Academic and Lecturer, Pammie is able to combine her interests of regional, rural and remote care within her role to assist in providing an enriched pathway for tomorrow’s nurses and today's clinicians.
- The unexpected benefits of engaging in Participatory Action Research

Professor David Hensher is Founding Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at The University of Sydney. David is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences (FASSA), Recipient of the 2009 International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition for his long-standing and exceptional contribution to IATBR as well as to the wider travel behaviour community; Recipient of the 2006 Engineers Australia Transport Medal for lifelong contribution to transportation, recipient of the Smart 2013 Premier Award for Excellence in Supply Chain Management, the 2014 Institute of Transportation Engineers (Australia and New Zealand) Transport Profession Award, and the 2016 Award for Outstanding Research as part of the inaugural University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence. In 2018 David was selected as one of 25 academics at the University of Sydney who have made a significant impact through engaging with industry and government (ranked one of 12 with High Impact). David is also the recipient of the 2019 John Shaw Medal which honours an industry champion who has made a lasting contribution to Australia's roads. He has published over 680 papers in leading international transport and economics journals as well as 16 books. David is Australia’s (and worldwide) most cited transport academic with over 59,000 citations of his contributions in Google scholar and a Scopus index more than twice any other transport academic. In 2017 MIT ranked David Hensher number 1 globally as a transport researcher, and number 6 on unique collaborations. David has had, since COVID-19, over 2,690,562 media cites. He is currently running a 2 year plus research project on working from home and implications for travel activity and revisions to strategic transport models. The project is partnered with iMoveCRC, TRM Qld, TfNSW, and WADoT.
- Working from Home, Covid-19 and Implications for Transport Systems

Rebecca has worked in the not-for-profit sector for more than 15 years, primarily in the field of youth development. She is also an experienced researcher and has a PhD in sociology from Griffith University. Rebecca's PhD research explored how social justice could be better embedded into sustainability theory, and into the practice of food system re-localisation. Rebecca currently works as an internal evaluator for the YMCA of Brisbane, where she leads the organisation’s evaluation capability building work and primarily conducts utilisation-focused program evaluation. Rebecca is passionate about collaborative and participatory research and evaluation practice. She is an Industry Fellow at the QUT Faculty of Health, School of Psychology and Counselling, a member of the YMCA Australia National Social Impact Leadership Team, and on the Australian Evaluation Society Queensland Regional Committee.
- Participatory Visual Methods in Applied Research and Evaluation: Co-creating an Australian network

Prof. Dr. Regina Lenart-Gansiniec is Associate Professor in the Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Her research focuses on open innovation, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, knowledge management, and organizational learning in public organizations. She is an author of publications on knowledge management, crowdsourcing and open innovation.
- Crowdsourcing in social science research: a systematic review
Rifka Sibarani is currently working on a PhD at Charles Darwin University, Australia. Prior to this, she completed a Master of Public Policy at the University of Tasmania, and a Bachelor of Political Science, majoring in Communication Studies at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. She has worked with communities and local NGOs in Indonesia to develop disaster risk communication campaigns.
Her PhD research project focuses on exploring social media users' experience with risk communication in the changing new media environment. It aims to provide policy recommendations for local stakeholders for ways to improve engagement with local communities, especially in this period of endemic misinformation on social media.
- Risk communication in the changing new media landscape: lessons learned from two Australian regions
Sebastian is a PhD Candidate at the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods at the Australian National University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Statistics and a Bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Ljubljana. He specializes in survey methodology, data confidentiality protection, higher education research, data analytics, and longitudinal data. In his PhD research, Sebastian investigates survey errors, including non-response and measurement errors, with a particular focus on online panels and web surveys.
- Survey response in RDD-sampling SMS-invitation Web-push study
- Survey response in RDD-sampling SMS-invitation Web-push study
Sebastian joined the Social Research Centre as a Senior Data Analyst in November 2009. During that period he has worked on our major longitudinal survey of income support customers (the Stepping Stones Survey) undertaken for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations as well as playing an important data management and statistical consulting role in major projects such as the Student Outcomes Survey, the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Census, and the Quality Indicators in Learning and Teaching (QILT) suite of projects. He has also played a major role in establishing company practices around weighting for dual-frame surveys.
- Optimal sample designs for sub-national general population telephone surveys
- The impact of call cycle and refusal conversion on telephone survey outcomes

Professor Organizational Project Management, School of the Built Environment, University of Technology Sydney
- Collaborative Research Using Virtual Tools During Covid-19: A Case Study using Zoom

Sharon has broad experience in research, education and community practice having worked as a university lecturer, journalist, vocational and professional trainer, policy advisor and advocate and youth worker.
Sharon’s research interests relate to the sociology of education, sociology of young people and the family and the sociology of knowledge. Her specific focus currently is on how families and schools intersect in the educational field. She is also interested in the development and praxis of the sociology of knowledge, particularly using Legitimation Code Theory and is currently examining its application to both higher education and vocational learning environments.
- Focus and Basis: Using parliamentary speech to reveal social principles
I’m Shwikar Othman a PhD candidate final year, with more than ten years of teaching and research experience. I started working as a Clinical Demonstrator, predominantly in midwifery education since 2010 and after my Master's degree continued to work as an Assistant Lecturer (equivalent to level A Lecturer) at the same university.
I have always enjoyed studying and conducting research, which inspired me to pursue my PhD. I undertook a research project at the University of South Australia titled 'Healthy eating education program for midwives to investigate and explore their knowledge and level of confidence to support pregnant women to eat healthily: A mixed methods study', Completed and waiting for Conferral.
Areas of interest :
• Maternity education and care
• Healthy eating education during pregnancy
• Nutrition education
• Quantitative research
• Qualitative research
• Mixed methods study
• Systematic review
- Data integration in a sequential explanatory mixed methods study that investigated and explored midwives’ level of knowledge and confidence to provide healthy eating education for pregnant women

Simon is a Professor at the UTS Business School where he specialises in developing inclusive practices for diversity groups.
- Using comparative automated content analysis to understand age discrimination in Australia
Dr Stephanie Best is health services researcher based in Melbourne, Australia. Her focus is on the use of implementation science and improvement methodologies to promote the translation of evidence-based findings into ‘real-world’ practice and policy to ensure the best care and treatment available reaches clinical practice. Currently working with the Australian Genomics, her work includes several projects on the implementation of genomic services into the Australian healthcare system. Other areas of research interest include professional identity, leadership, integrated care and team working.
- Mobilising professional identity in multidisciplinary health and social care: Using Nominal Group Technique

Stephen Darlington is a PhD student in the School of Political Science and International Relations at the Australian National University. He submitted his thesis in 2020. His research compared the development, implementation and regulation of nationally shareable electronic health records (NEHRs) in Australia, England and the US in order to explain institutional stasis and change over time. The focus was on the adoption of increasingly centralised approaches towards NEHRs in an effort to improve the interoperability, usability and meaningful use of patient health information which drove persistent efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of patient healthcare over time. He has a particular interest in public policy research using a historical institutionalist framework that explores path dependency and critical junctures.
- Diagramming Path Dependency and Critical Junctures
Sue is an educational sociologist with an interest in connecting living and learning experiences across contexts. She enjoys researching interactively with children, young people and practitioners. Sue draws on semiotics, place-based approaches and network theories to develop understandings of complex social phenomena. Her most recent book is Learning Cities: Multimodal explorations and placed pedagogies.
- Engaging culturally & linguistically diverse youth participants: Interactive approaches
Sunil K Dixit is an Adjunct Professor in the Health Policy and Management Program of the Mount Saint Mary’s University, Los Angeles, California. His research interests include organization theory, multitheoretical public organization design, game theoretic modeling, evolutionary optimization, patient-centered healthcare, value in healthcare, bundled payments, healthcare systems, health policy, bureaucracy, public and nonprofit hospitals. The author is also a doctoral candidate at the Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies (VISES), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. He is a member of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, the Institute of Management Accountants in the U.S.A., and the California Society of CPAs. He is an Ex-Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in the U.K.
- Healthcare Services Delivery by Public Organizations: Theoretical and Methodological Dynamism of Game Theory
- Staying Longitudinal in lockdown: How two large-scale, national panel studies are responding to COVID-19
A Hospital executive and practitioner is a graduate of the University of Queensland School of Speech Pathology, also have a Masters of Business Administration and is a Fellow of the Australian College of Health Service Managers. Able to translate research into everyday practice to positively influence the reliability and safety of the health system for the patients that we serve. Facilitates a culture of research curiosity and capability for designing, implementing and evaluating innovative Models of Care across a number of settings, including metropolitan, regional, and rural locations, and across acute, sub-acute, and community contexts.
Strong clinical background, with extensive experience in operational, strategic management and professional leadership. Track record of leading organisational improvements and cultural change, and able to balance a performance focus with evidence based practice. Holds a Masters of Business Administration.
Tania is a current PhD candidate with Griffith University, researching consumer engagement in health care.
- The development of an observational grid in the context of participatory action research in health organisations

Trang Nguyen is a PhD candidate (Leisure and Tourism) in the Newcastle Business School, Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Newcastle, Australia. Her PhD research topic is network coopetition for sustainable development in Da Nang and Hue, Vietnam.
Trang held the position of lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality Faculty at National Economics University in Hanoi, Vietnam from 2010 to the commencement of her candidature. Her research fields are destination management, governance, stakeholder relationships, network analysis, and sustainable development.
- A Mixed-Method Multiple-Case Study Integrating Social Network Analysis and Actor-Network Theory
Dr. Tom Christie is a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Texas Arlington, a Carnegie Research 1 institution. His research field examines the dynamics of public policy, public opinion and news media. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has published in 29 peer-reviewed academic publications and has presented his research at more than 50 academic conferences.
- Uncovering Open Sources used in Agenda Setting Research – a Content Analysis of Academic Studies