8th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

Understanding the linked LSAY-NAPLAN data
Thursday 24th November 2022, 14:20–14:35 (Australia/Melbourne), Zoom Breakout Room 3

Linking academic data from the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) to the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) provides an incredibly rich source of assessment data in addition to the wealth of information available from LSAY. Using the data, however, comes with challenges common to many data linkages. This includes dealing with bias as not all respondents provide their consent for linkage.

In this session we will present our analysis of the linked LSAY-NAPLAN data which looks into these challenges and how we go about accommodating these issues. This will include findings from our analysis of the factors that influence respondents’ likelihood to consent and outcomes from the representativity analysis that seeks to understand how well the consenting respondents represent the target population.

Recording link: https://acspri-org-au.zoom.us/rec/share/sFS4E0Eva6L3CETeEbh9cr8bLW7jHf3BqadVrD3ZBgTXkIpMYjtO_h9UWipxxHi-.ZbxNTlh6Oe1hAEZ5?startTime=1669255431000

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As a Data Analyst of the team that manages the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) at NCVER, Emerick's work largely involves data processing, the integration and production of metadata, and developing LSAY data products. He has also been involved in analysing various data collection and undertaking research projects conducted at NCVER.