Wednesday 2nd December 2020, 10:30–10:45 (Australia/Sydney), Zoom Breakout Room 2
We consider how artists explore complex health issues in a large-scale, collaborative art installation. The presentation introduces - The HIVE - an arts-based knowledge translation (ABKT) initiative through which artists collaborated with researchers, service providers, health consumers, and carers affiliated with a major translational health research centre in Australia. Specifically, we present a case study that draws on artist statements and visual documentation to evoke the different facets of the initiative. The eight projects encompassed by The HIVE were diverse. Artistic media included textiles, sculpture, poetry, and photography. Health issues ranged from palliative care to child healthcare. The HIVE was not simply an installation, but a nucleus that fostered collaboration through the design and development of creative artworks. In emphasising empathy and non-verbal communication, The HIVE at once translated and expanded health(care) research and practice.
• Ms Chloe Watfern:
• Dr Barbara Doran:
• A/Prof. Ann Dadich:
• Dr Zoi Triandafilidis:
• Ms Stephanie Habak:
• Prof. Katherine Boydell:
Dr Ann Dadich is an Associate Professor within the Western Sydney University School of Business. She is also a registered psychologist, a full member of the Australian Psychological Society, and a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales. A/Prof. Dadich has accumulated considerable expertise in health service management, notably knowledge translation. This encompasses scholarship on the processes through which different knowledges coalesce to promote quality care. This is demonstrated by her publishing record, which includes over 165 refereed publications; the research grants she has secured; and the awards she has received. A/Prof. Dadich holds editorial appointments with several academic journals, including: the Australian Health Review; and BMC Health Services Research. She is also the Deputy Director of the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform; she chairs the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Health Management and Organisation (HMO) Conference Stream; and she convenes the ANZAM HMO Special Interest Group. Additionally, A/Prof. Dadich supervises doctoral candidates and teaches undergraduate units on change management, innovation, creativity, and organisational behaviour.
Chloe Watfern is a Scientia PhD scholar at UNSW Art & Design and The Black Dog Institute. With an academic background in art history and psychology, her interdisciplinary research spans the social sciences and the arts. Her PhD dissertation is exploring neurodiversity and art in supported studio organisations.
Chloe also works as a research associate for the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform.