Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 15:00–16:30 (Australia/Melbourne), Zoom Breakout Room 2
Researchers in Indigenous communities need to understand the history and trauma associated with the act of research. In this interactive workshop, we introduce participants to a model of indigenist research and partnership building that is able to be adapted across disciplines and communities. We present a successful research project to demonstrate how to apply the model.
Recording link:
Professor Aunty Kerrie Doyle is the Associate Dean, Indigenous Health in Western Sydney University’s School of Medicine. A Winninninni/Cadigal/Irish woman, Professor Doyle was one of the first Indigenous women to graduate from Oxford University. She is also the Chair and Research Lead of the Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Clinical Academic Group at Maridulu Budyari Gumal, the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE); member of the Council of Elders for the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM); and board member for Ngaramura Aboriginal, Maori and Pacific Islander Corporation. Professor Doyle has spent her career dedicated to improving outcomes for Australia’s Indigenous population. Her research interests include: education, promoting applied cultural proficiency research, social determinants of health and Indigenous health. She has published extensively in academic journals, presented papers at national and international conferences and co-authored book chapters on Indigenous issues. Professor Doyle’s extensive research and teaching experience has made her a sought-after speaker at conferences and she is a well-known media spokesperson on Indigenous issues.