Friday 25th November 2022, 14:30–15:00 (Australia/Melbourne), Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children's Hospital - 50 Flemington Rd
Positive and adverse childhood experiences and inequalities in childhood inflammation and BMI – Building evidence for action
Dr Naomi Priest is a Professor and Group Leader of Social-Biological Research at the Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University, co-located at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute. She is a lifecourse and social epidemiologist and has extensive experience in qualitative, mixed methods, and large-scale quantitative analysis, as well as in the conduct of collaborative research and policy and practice implementation related to child and adolescent health and health inequalities. Her research program is focused on examining how social forces and social exposures become biologically embedded and embodied, and on understanding and addressing inequalities in health and development, throughout the life course. Much of this work focuses on social determinants of health and health inequalities in mental health and cardiovascular disease for Aboriginal and ethnic minoritised children and adolescents.