8th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

Professor Melissa Wake

Dr Melissa Wake is a paediatrician, community child health researcher, and Scientific Director of the Generation Victoria (GenV) initiative. Her "population paediatrics" agenda spans common childhood conditions and antecedents of diseases of ageing. Her goals are to speed up children's research and to test interventions that change children's care. Having led numerous community-based randomised trials, her major focus for this triennium is building the Generation Victoria (GenV) and Child Health CheckPoint platforms for generations of researchers. She has success in research translation including securing the Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program, which now screens 80,000 babies annually and is springboarding a continuing program of population-based hearing research. She holds honorary Professorial positions with the Universities of Melbourne and Auckland.


Friday 25th November 2022
Panel discussion and Q&A – What is the future of biosocial research?
Professor Tarani Chandola, Dr Jourdyn Lawrence, Assoc Professor David Chae, Professor Richard Saffery, Professor Naomi Priest, Dr Meredith O’Connor, Professor David Burgner, Professor Celia Roberts, Professor Melissa Wake, Diane Herz

Panel discussion and Q&A – What is the future of biosocial research?

Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children's Hospital - 50 Flemington Rd