7th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

Anna Lethborg

Anna is a Qualified Practising Researcher (QPR) with over 20 years’ experience in social research. Working as a Research Director in the Quantitative Research Team, Anna has been responsible for driving innovation in the Social Research Centre’s approach to Address-Based Sampling (A-BS) push-to-web studies. Anna has been instrumental in refining the methodology in response to increasing rates of non-response to telephone surveys. She will share some of her key learnings in this presentation.


Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Address-based sampling as an alternative to general population telephone surveys
Anna Lethborg

We introduce address-based samples with push-to-web as an alternative to telephone surveys of the general populations, drawing on our work on the most recent Australian administrations of the World Values Survey and the Asian Barometer Survey and the 2016 and 2019 Australian Election Study. Address-based samples draw their samples from the Geo-coded National Address File, a comprehensive sampling frame for Australian addresses. The primary mode of contact is via mail, although approximately 50 percent of addresses can be matched to phone numbers, to which reminder calls are made. The push-to-web approach used in these studies withholds hard copy for an extended period of the contact cycle in order to maximise online survey completion before hard copy is provided. We provide a detailed overview of the implementation of address-based sampling in Australia and review the results with respect to response rates and respondent demographics.

Telephone Surveys and Beyond in the Post-Modern Era
Zoom Breakout Room 1